It would be really appreciated if somebody could clarify something for me: I know that stationary states are states of definite energy. But are all states of definite energy also stationary state?
This question occurred to me when I considered the free particle (plane wave, not a Gaussian packet). The time derivative of the mean value of the position is not constant in time but equal to $\frac{\hbar k}{m}$ (via Ehrenfest's theorem because the expectation value of the momentum is equal to ${\hbar k}$).
But, plane waves are energy (and momentum) eigenstates for the free particle, that means that they are states of definite energy. The paradox comes up because the Ehrenfest theorem gives a non-zero value for the time derivative of the expectation value of the position but we know that for stationary states, expectation values do not change in time(for reference: Griffiths p.26)
So, am I getting something wrong here?
EDIT: After some responses in the comments that explain that all the above are due to the non-normalizability of those states, I have come across another similar case:
The same thing happens for the plane wave energy eigenstate in the case of a particle confined in a box with periodic boundary conditions. Now, these states are normalizable. So, what happens in this case?