Consider a Majorana fermion embedded in a Dirac spinor, $$\psi = \begin{pmatrix} \psi_L \\ i \sigma_2 \psi_L^* \end{pmatrix}.$$ The Majorana fermion $\psi_L$ is left-chiral, i.e. it transforms in the $(1/2, 0)$ representation of the Lorentz group.
Now, I've also been told that you can project out chirality components using $P_L = (1-\gamma_5)/2$ and $P_R = (1+\gamma_5)/2$. Then I would have expected that $$P_L \psi = \psi, \quad P_R \psi = 0$$ though this is clearly not the case.
The problem also appears when considering charge conjugation, $$C: \psi \to -i\gamma_2 \psi^*.$$ Charge conjugation does not affect a Majorana fermion, so it leaves the representation chirality alone. But on the other hand, if $P_L \psi = \psi$, then $$P_R (C\psi) = C\psi$$ so it flips the other kind of chirality.
What is the difference between these two notions of chirality? I think my problem is that I'm conflating properties of the field (the 'representation' chirality) and properties of individual quantum states (the $P_L/P_R$ chirality). But I haven't seen any textbook distinguish between the two.