Imagine a bar
spinning like a helicopter propeller,
At $\omega$ rad/s because the extremes of the bar goes at speed
$$V = \omega * r$$
then we can reach near $c$ (speed of light) applying some finite amount of energy just doing
$$\omega = V / r$$
The bar should be long, low density, strong to minimize the amount of energy needed
For example a $2000\,\mathrm{m}$ bar
$$\omega = 300 000 \frac{\mathrm{rad}}{\mathrm{s}} = 2864789\,\mathrm{rpm}$$
(a dental drill can commonly rotate at $400000\,\mathrm{rpm}$)
$V$ (with dental drill) = 14% of speed of light.
Then I say this experiment can be really made and bar extremes could approach $c$.
What do you say?
Our planet is orbiting at sun and it's orbiting milky way, and who knows what else, then any Earth point have a speed of 500 km/s or more agains CMB.
I wonder if we are orbiting something at that speed then there would be detectable relativist effect in different direction of measurements, simply extending a long bar or any directional mass in different galactic directions we should measure mass change due to relativity, simply because $V = \omega * r$
What do you think?
V(with dental drill) = 14% of speed of light
:-o You scared me with this. I actually had to calculate it to understand what you meant. =P $\endgroup$