There is a smallest measurable time interval, known as Planck time, which is the time required for light to travel the smallest measurable length which is known as the Planck length, $$\ell_\mathrm{P} =\sqrt\frac{\hbar G}{c^3} \approx 1.616\;199 (97) \times 10^{-35}\ \mathrm{m} $$.
So, the Planck time will be $ t_\mathrm{P} = {\frac{\ell_\mathrm{P}}{c}}\approx 5.39106 (32) \times 10^{-44}\ \mathrm{s} $.
If two points are separated by a length less than the Planck length, we would be unable to tell the difference between those two points. Spacetime geometry itself might not be meaningful below the Planck length (we don't know yet what happens below the Planck length).
The Planck length limit comes from the assumption that neither quantum mechanics or relativity fails. So we don't know what happens below that length as the physics is not quite up to the handling at that scale.