I have been searching for why would we even start with Minkowski spacetime metric as being written as:
No really, so why would we have a negative sign for temporal side and positive for spatial side (or vice versa). How did Minkowki along with Einstein reach this metric?
Few of the answers I got were:
Because Einstein wanted preserve the fact that speed light is constant so he reached this... but I never understood this reasoning.
Another one
time being a new coordinate is treated as $it$ and thus we get the interval of $\sqrt{(it)^2+x^2+y^2+z^2}$ the same way we write an interval in Euclidean space as $\sqrt{(x^2+y^2+z^2}$).
I persoanlly haven't gotten very convinced by the second answer. So, if someone can explain the first answer (mathematically maybe), or suggest another reasoning I would be very grateful.