My professor defined the Clebsch-Gordan series as the direct sum decomposition of the tensor product of two representations of the Lie group SU(2):
$$ D_{j_1} \otimes D_{j_2} = D_{j_1+j_2} \oplus D_{j_1+j_2-1} \oplus ... \oplus D_{|j_1-j_2|} $$
I think it's an interesting fact that the trivial representation $D_0$ will be in the tensor product if and only if $j_1=j_2$.
Is there an intuitive explanation for that? What common property of all systems with $j_1=j_2$ leads to the trivial representation being part of the tensor product?
This question could be generalized to a similar fact about $D_{1/2}$ and $D_1$.