I am following the derivation of the master equation (and application of this) in these lecture notes. Unfortunately I do not follow the step of eliminating the driving terms of the harmonic oscillator (p. 17, eq 164).
Assume that we have a quantum system described in the density operator formalism in the Schrödinger picture with system Hamiltonian (i.e. harmonic oscillator and coherent drive):
$ H = H_0 + H_D = \hbar \omega (\hat{a}^\dagger \hat{a} + 1/2) + \hbar f_0 (\hat{a} e^{i\omega_D t} + \hat{a}^\dagger e^{-i\omega_D t} ) $
Define the displacement operator as
$D(\alpha) = \exp(\alpha\hat{a}^\dagger - \alpha^* \hat{a}) $
where $\hat{a}$ is the annihilation operator of a quantum harmonic oscillator and $\alpha$ is a complex number.
If I want to do a unitary transformation $U=D(\alpha)$ into a rotating frame, then I believe I should make this transformation:
$ A' = U^\dagger A U$
and from this I should be able to derive a new master equation for my system etc.
But in the lecture notes it seems that they write the new Hamiltonian in the rotated frame as (eq. 164):
$ \tilde{H} = U^\dagger H U + i\hbar \frac{\partial U^\dagger}{\partial t} U$
where $U=D(\alpha)$. Why include the second term if $D(\alpha)$ doesn't depend on time (we are in the Schrodinger picture per. eq. 134)?
If somehow I have misunderstood and the displacement operator is considered to depend on time through something like $\alpha = \alpha_0 e^{i\omega_D t}$ how would one handle this i.e. how does one show that $\tilde{H}$ has the above form?
To summarize: How to transform to another frame when there is time dependence such that $i\hbar \frac{\partial U}{\partial t} = HU(t) $ doesn't hold? (Because of time dependence of H)
Why is it assumed that $D(\alpha)$ has this time dependence in the Schrödinger picture?