I've been wondering about a puck sliding on ice or a puck in an air hockey table game. If a puck is hit and we start watching it as soon as it has reached its maximum speed and starts becoming slower, what will this deccelaration look like?
I assume we take a snapshot of the puck in intervals.
a = Deccelaration
t = time passed since last snapshot
vCurrent = the current speed to be calculated when taking the snapshot
vPrevious = the speed it had at the last snapshot
- Is the deccelaration constant, so that vCurrent = vPrevious - a * t?
- Or is vCurrent = vPrevious - k * vPrevious, where k is some factor in the range of 0.01 to 0.1?
The first assumption seems to make sense to me but I wrote a simulation of it and it just does not look right. The second one looks better, but is it real?
- If the latter one is the true, what would that "k" be? Does it have a name?
- What "kind" of deccelaration is the 2nd one?
- For the first assumption I can easily calculatethe way and time (v² = 2*a*s) it takes until the puck comes to a rest, but how do I have to calculate way and time for the second case?