Generally it would be expected that a renormalizable/physical quantum field theory (QFT) would be regularization independent. For this I would first fix my regularization scheme and then compute stuff.
I'm interested to know whether there's a general way to convert results obtained from one regularization scheme to another, particularly those quantum corrections that affect the beta functions. More specifically, say I want to compare the coefficients of the $\ln{\Lambda}$ terms for computations done at the upper critical dimension $d = d_c$ of the QFT, with the coefficient of $\epsilon^{-1}$ terms obtained via dimensional regularization at $d = d_c - \epsilon$. In general, I would expect that the coefficients of $\ln{\Lambda}$ terms at $d = d_c$ and the $\epsilon^{-1}$ terms at $d < d_c$ would be different. But, is there a simple relationship between these numbers, such as a multiplicative factor?