$ \newcommand{\p}{\partial} $ I am trying to show that the current $J^{\mu} = (\gamma_{\nu}\partial^{\nu} \phi - m\phi)\gamma^{\mu}\psi$ is conserved for all fields that satisfy the Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations: $$(\partial_{\mu}\partial^{\mu} - m^2)\phi=0 \tag{KG}$$ $$(\gamma_{\mu}\partial^{\mu}-m)\psi=0 \tag{Drc}$$ So I begin by taking the derivative since we know that a conserved current satisfies $\partial_{\mu}J^{\mu}=0$. For convenience, since I do not know how to write slashed quantities here I define $D = \gamma \cdot \partial $. Therefore I have
$$\begin{aligned} \p_{\mu}J^{\mu} &= \p_{\mu}(D\phi \gamma^{\mu}\psi) + D\phi \p_{\mu}\gamma^{\mu}\psi - m(\p_{\mu}\phi) \gamma^{\mu}\psi - m\phi(\p_{\mu}\gamma^{\mu}\psi) \\ &= (DD\phi)\psi + D\phi D\psi - m(D\phi) \psi - m\phi (D\psi) \\ &= (DD\phi)\psi + D\phi D\psi - D(m\phi \psi) \\ &= D(D\phi \, \psi) - D\phi D\psi +D\phi D\psi - D(m\phi \psi) \\ &= D[(D\phi-m\phi)\psi] \end{aligned}$$ but as you can see the scalar is in the place of the spinor and thus I cannot use (Drc). Any thoughts/help on this?