I'm trying to solve the following equation:
$$e^{-i\theta/2 \sigma_{\vec{i}}^A} \otimes e^{-i\theta/2 \sigma_{\vec{i}}^B} |\Psi\rangle_{AB} = e^{i\phi} |\Psi\rangle_{AB} $$
where $e^{i\phi}$ should be expressed in terms of $\theta, \vec{i}$. I've expanded this, factored this, exploited every darn trig identity I can think of, but I don't think I understand tensors enough to actually solve this problem. I don't know, for instance, whether in the expanded form of the above:
$$e^{-i\theta/2 \sigma_{\vec{i}}^A} = cos(\theta/2)\mathbb{I}^A - isin(\theta/2)\sigma_{\vec{i}}^A$$
I should be taking the tensor of $\sigma_{\vec{i}}^A \otimes \sigma_{\vec{i}}^B$, which, given that their both unitary matrices of the same vector should yield the 4x4 identity matrix. That gets me somewhere, but the meaning of the tensor appears to be lost in the process...
I think the point of this exercise is to show that rotating A and B the same amount only changes the global phase of the system... Is this right or am I totally off?