From renormalization group equation $$ t \frac{d \bar{g}(t , g)}{dt} = \beta (\bar{g}(t , g)), \quad \bar{g}(1 , g) = g $$ (here $t$ is momentum scale factor, $g$ is initial coupling constant and $\bar{g}$ is an effective coupling constant) and $$ \tag 1 \beta (g) = ag^{2} $$ we can get $$ \bar{g}(t , g) = \frac{g}{1 - gln(t)a} . $$ For QCD $$ \tag 2 a = c\left(-11 + \frac{2}{3}n_{f} \right), $$ where $n_{f} = 6$ is the number of quark types.
How to get that for QCD we asymptotically have $(1)$ and $(2)$?