This is Problem 2.6 (b) in Griffiths, Intro to QM:
A particle in an infinite square well has its initial wave function an even mixture of the first two stationary states:
$\Psi(x,0) = A[\psi_1(x) + \psi_2(x)]$.
Here is the part of the problem that I am having a little trouble with:
(b) Find $\Psi(x,t)$ and $|\Psi(x,t)|^2$. Express the latter as a sinusoidal function of time, as in Example 2.1. To simplify the result, let $\omega \equiv \frac{\pi^2 \hbar}{2ma^2}$
According to the answer key, even after $t=0$, the wave function continues to be a mixture of the first two stationary states. Why is that? I am having a little difficulty understanding this. Why can't it be a new 'mixture?'
Are my questions sufficiently clear?