They're all supposed to do the same thing - so I suppose they would? Also, would the resulting half-life be the same as that of the individual atoms it is made up of?
3 Answers
I think the answer should be "no", as they are phenomena happening in two different sectors.
That is, Bose-Einstein condensation involves the center-of-mass degrees of freedom of each atom. On the other hand, radioactive decay pertains to the internal interactions among constituent subatomic particles.
All the atoms have the same state, but the state of an atom usually does not influence its chance to decay (electron capture excluded, obviously - highly ionized atoms are less likely to decay due to electron capture simply by lack of electrons to capture).
There are several ways to destroy a Bose-Einstein condensate. The most common is temperature, which is why BECs are all low-temperature phenomena. For instance, helium becomes superfluid when a large fraction of the atoms enter the same quantum state, which happens around $\mathrm{2\,K = \frac16\,meV}/k$, so apparently the first excited state in fluid helium is somewhere around 200 µeV. A beta decay typically releases a few MeV, mega-eV, of energy, a billion times more than a BEC-destroying phonon. Most of that energy is carried away by the electron and the neutrino, but about 0.01% of the decay energy goes into recoil of the decaying nucleus — more than enough to knock it out of the condensate.
An interesting question is whether you could produce a condensate that decayed as a unit. It could be that's what a nucleus is: you don't get to say "the neutron in the $g_{3/2}$ orbital decayed," but instead "the nucleus decayed." Certainly it'd have to be a medium where the excitation energies are comparable to or smaller than the energies involved in the nuclear decays. You can also produce a condensate that undergoes electromagnetic electronic transitions as an ensemble: we call it a laser.
Another handwavy way to think of a condensate is as an ensemble where the distance between atoms is much shorter than the de Broglie wavelength of a typical atom, so that you can no longer make a clear separation between one atom's wavefunction and its neighbors. Interactions which preserve the condensate must have a long enough length scale (or low enough energy scale) to involve the entire condensate at once. But the length scale for the weak interaction goes like $\hbar c / m_W c^2 = 0.002\,\mathrm{fm}$, many times smaller than a nucleon; that interaction can't be spread across the ensemble the way that a low-temperature phonon can.
$\begingroup$ A beta decay would knock the decaying atom out of the condensate - but WHILE it happens, the BEC still exists and if the codensate acts in unison, all the atoms should start decaying at the same time - they'd all be knocked out of the BEC after. $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 31, 2014 at 22:45
1$\begingroup$ @SebastianHenckel You have no reason to assume that merely because the bulk motion of the atoms are coherent the internal states of their nuclei are also coherent; these phenomena are decoupled and happen at very different energy scales. $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 1, 2014 at 1:04