As for large distances - it is hard to tell whether Coulomb's law applies with any correction or not. A main restriction on precision tests of Coulombs law at large distances is basically the inverse square distance fall-off of the physical effects. If we take a too small charge, it's strength falls of very quickly beyond measurability.
On the other hand, if we take a too large one, say such that we can safely detect it from a kilometer afar, we have to consider that the field intensity is a million times ($1/(10^{-3})^2 = 10^6$) stronger from a distance of one meter. Such large charges attract the ions of opposite charge e.g. of the surrounding slightly ionized air and on the other hand repulse the same-charge. Even if you are in a vacuum, your charge actually has to be somehow fixed in place by say a handle, and this handle will again provide a mechanism for charge neutralization.
This automatic charge neutralization is also the reason we do not find large macroscopic charges in nature (making it "quasi-neutral" on scales larger than say a few meters). Thus, we cannot make any conclusions from astrophysical observations since there electric fields play only a very minor role.
But if we take a look at electromagnetism as a whole, so far we have no better working theory on large scales. Radiation and magnetic fields aren't constrained by any similar cancelling effect as the electric field and Maxwell equations are tested to immense precision on terrestrial scales. This is an indirect argument showing that Coulomb's law should not get any corrections at any large length scale just for the sake of consistency of Maxwell's equations. On the other hand, on cosmic scales, we have so "flattened" data of the systems that we can consider Maxwell's equations (and thus Coulomb's law) as a "model" with which we can very slightly tamper as is done e.g. here.
On the contrary, on small distances, it is just a question of where do we draw the line. We could say Coulomb's law stops applying already at the scales of ångströms, that is atomic scales, where electrons just get frozen out instead of falling into the proton and we get the quantum energy levels. There is a natural extension of Coulomb's law through the potential acting on the quantum particle or the force acting on the mean velocity of a quantum state, so we can in principle go deeper.
When we get beyond quantum mechanics and pass to quantum field theory, we find that the term "potential" or "force" doesn't really have a meaning anymore. We get corrections to the energy levels in atoms which can be in principle assigned to a different potential as described by Count Iblis, but this is a conventional step. An example of such a convention would be the Lamb shift, which is either "classically explained" by an extra Dirac delta infinity in the Coulomb potential or by a fluctuation of the electron position (as explained in the link). Nevertheless, the effects are purely of a quantum nature and it is always just a formal handle to retrofit the quantum results to a "corrected" potential or force.