Cheng and Li's appendix gives the generic symmetry factor $S^{-1}$ with
$$S=g\prod_{n\geq 2}2^{\beta}(n!)^{\alpha_n},$$
where $\alpha_n$ are the number of pairs of vertices connected by $n$ identical self-conjugate lines, $\beta$ is the number of lines connecting a vertex with itself, and $g$ is the number of permutations of vertices that leave the diagram unchanged with fixed external lines.
For your diagram, as long as the number of vertices $N>2$, all of the $\alpha_n=0$ (I suppose $\alpha_1=N$, but this doesn't affect the symmetry factor). You also have no tadpoles, so $\beta=0$. Finally, $g=1$ since you can't permute the vertices without changing the connectivity of the external lines. So the symmetry factor of the diagram is just one.
That is not to say that there aren't many ($(N-1)!$ in fact) other diagrams with the same kinematic structure that might need to be included in a final calculation of scattering amplitudes, just with permuted vertices.