I am going through this book Simulation of Complex Systems. In the chapter on Brownian Dynamics, we considered a "free diffusion" given by the Stochastic differential equation: $$\dot{x}(t)=W(t)$$ where $W(t)$ is a Gaussian white noise, with zero mean and unit variance.
For the purpose of simulation, we discretize the above as: $$x_{i+1}=x_i+W_i.\Delta t$$ with $\langle x_n\rangle=0$.
Now we can show that the Mean Squared Displacement (MSD) is proportional to $\Delta t$ !
Since physical reality should not depend on simulation parameter, we re-scale $W_i$ as: $$W_i\rightarrow \frac{w_i}{\sqrt{\Delta t}}$$ ($w_i$ having same property as $W_i$).
Finally our actual difference equation for diffusion with white noise: $$ x(t+\Delta t)=x(t) + w_i\sqrt{\Delta t}\tag{1} $$ Now, as mentioned in the beginning, here we are talking about free diffusion, so there is no characteristic time-scale in our system.
My question is, how can we show that our equation (1) is self-similar? That is, under a re-scaling of time the equation does not changes.
My understanding:
If we take $t\rightarrow\nu t$, so $\Delta t \rightarrow \nu\Delta t$, our equation (1) becomes $$ x(t+\Delta t)=x(t) + w_i\sqrt{\nu}\sqrt{\Delta t} $$ but $w_i$ is just the noise. And $\sqrt{\nu}w_i$ is also a noise with changed strength. So we may as well rename the noise as $w_i'$.
Is it valid?
Also, if $t\rightarrow\nu t$, what about $x(\nu t)$ and $x(\nu t+\nu\Delta t)$? The particle has shifted. The situation should not be same!