I am independently working through some problems on Bose-Einstein condensation. In particular, I am trying to show that—in the Hartree-Fock mean-field approximation—for a Bose gas with contact interactions, the first order non-saturation effect is given by:
$$ \frac{N'}{N_c^0} = 1 + \alpha \frac{\mu_0}{k_bT} $$
where $N_c^0 = \zeta(3)\left(\frac{k_bT}{\hbar \bar{\omega}} \right)^3$, with $\zeta$ the Riemann zeta function and $\bar{\omega} = (\omega_x\omega_y\omega_z)^{1/3}$ where $\omega_i$ are the trap frequencies, and $\alpha = \zeta(2)/\zeta(3)$.
From what I understand, this result is obtained by evaluating the integral
$$\int \frac{g_{3/2}(e^{(\mu - V(\textbf{r})/k_bT})}{\lambda^3} d\textbf{r}$$
with the effective interaction potential $V_\text{eff}(\textbf{r}) = |V(\textbf{r}) - \mu_0| + \mu_0$, where $\mu_0 = gn_0(\textbf{r})$ is the chemical potential due to contact interactions and $V(\textbf{r})$ is the external trapping potential $\sum (1/2) m\omega_i^2r_i^2$.
While I am able to obtain $N_c^0 = \zeta(3)\left(\frac{k_bT}{\hbar \bar{\omega}} \right)^3$ by setting $\mu = 0$ in the same integral, I am unable to reproduce the non-saturation result. Even when I use the relation,
$$\int_0^x d\epsilon \sqrt{\epsilon}e^{\epsilon-x} + \int_x^\infty d\epsilon\sqrt{\epsilon}e^{x-\epsilon} \approx \frac{\sqrt{2}}{2}(1+x)$$
for $x\ll1$, I get stuck and am unable to reproduce to analytically evaluate the integral.
Any guidance would be appreciated.