I'm lay about relativity and I want to understand how does $c$ does not change between frames of reference.
Imagine a train of length $L_0$ at a relativistic speed and a light beam inside it. For an inside frame, the time taken for light to travel across the train would be $\Delta t_0 = \frac{L_0}{c}$.
Now imagine an outside still frame of reference. To him, both time and length should receive a Lorentz transformation, thus $\Delta t_R = \gamma \Delta t_0$ and $L_R = \frac{L_0}{\gamma}$. As velocity is $\frac{\Delta s}{\Delta t}$, the velocity to him would be
$$\frac{L_R}{\Delta t_R} = \frac{L_0}{\gamma^2 \Delta t_0} = \frac{c}{\gamma^2} \neq c$$
Where is the mistake?