My question is closely related to the answer of this question:
Why is general relativity background independent and electromagnetism is background dependent?
General Relativity is often stated to be "background independent", because it calculates how spacetime is curved. That's in contrast to other theories like classical electrodynamics which act on the manifold without interacting with it.
I understand that GR interacts with spacetime (and that that's a great advancement in comparison to the theories before) - however, I do not understand, why it's called "background independent". Matter curves spacetime. That means to me that there has to be a spacetime first which can be curved by matter.
If the universe is empty (in GR), Minkowski spacetime is still there. If spacetime were produced by matter like the electromagnetic field is produced by its sources I would understand the term "background independence". But to me it's only interacting with the background, not background independent. (Like an artist who is forming any possible object out of clay is not independent of clay... Just acting on it in every possible way)
How shall I understand the term "background independence"? Is the term not precise? Did I get something wrong?