I quote Sabine Hossenfelder:
Gravitation is a spin-2 interaction. It is straightforward to see that this means that like charges attract and unlike charges repel. The charge of gravity is the mass. This does not mean that negative gravitational mass repels everything. Negative gravitational mass repels positive mass but attracts negative mass. Reference
I also quote W. B. Bonnor:
Active gravitational mass occurs for the first time as a constant of integration in Schwarzschild's solution. If the constant is taken to be negative then, in the first approximation, test particles will describe the orbits corresponding to the Newtonian case with repulsion. Note that [...] in (this) case, all bodies will be repelled. Reference
If gravity is mediated by a spin two field in which negative masses attract, how can the Schwarzchild solution with negative mass repel a negative mass test particle?