I am trying to recreate the demo in this video, titled “How to create your own aurora.”
To summarize the video, a radio is used to light a fluorescent light bulb. The narrator describes the walkie talkie as representing the solar wind and the fluorescent light bulb as representing the Earth’s atmosphere. The bulb is not connected to electricity. When she brings the bulb close to the walkie talkie, it begins to glow white. She then demonstrates this phenomenon again with a smaller fluorescent bulb that glows green instead of white.
I understand the science of how this works, but when trying to replicate this experiment with a fluorescent light bulb and the radio I have (a Motorola CP185 radio), the light bulb does not glow. My question is, what type of radio should I use instead? Also, the fluorescent lightbulb I have glows white when screwed into a lamp, so what kind of fluorescent light bulb is needed to create the green glow?
I am aware that a version of this experiment can be done with a tesla coil or even a plasma ball instead of a radio, but I am specifically interested in using a radio, as I need this demo to be as portable as possible.