Following Ashcroft-Mermin chapter 12 the semiclassical dynamics is governed by
$ \dot{\vec{r}} = \vec{v}_n(\vec{k}) = \frac{1}{\hbar}\frac{\partial \epsilon_n(\vec{k})}{\partial \vec{k}} $ and $ \hbar \dot{\vec{k}} = -e\vec{E} -\frac{e}{c} \vec{v}_n(\vec{k}) \times \vec{H} $
In which order one formally should attempt to solve the equations given band structure functions $\epsilon_n(\vec{k})$ and the fields $\vec{E}$ and $\vec{H}$.
Is the velocity independent of the fields and only depends on band structure? If so how one calculates resistances from $\vec{J} = -e \int \frac{d\vec{k}}{4 \pi^3} \frac{1}{\hbar}\frac{\partial \epsilon_n(\vec{k})}{\partial \vec{k}}$ [Eq. 12.16] as they will be independent of fields.