I'm having trouble understanding this diagram from my lecture note:
Each grey-shaded circle represents the diagrams for the two-point function $D(k)$. In equation, the diagram reads$$ \bar G_n(k_1,...,k_n) = \Gamma_n(k_1,...,k_n)\prod_{i=1}^nD(k_i)$$ However, I'm still unclear on how to understand this diagram and equation. Are we considering a scattering process involving $n$ particles?
Suppose we have a Lagrangian: $$ \mathcal{L} = \frac{1}{2}\partial_\mu\phi\partial^\mu\phi-\frac{1}{2}m^2\phi^2+\bar\psi(i\not\partial-M)\psi-g\phi\bar\psi\psi. $$ We can draw all the divergent Feynman diagrams using the superficial degree of divergence. Are those grey circles representing those divergent graphs, such as a 1-loop correction diagram? We can find that the Lagrangian also needs additional terms $\phi^4$ and their counterterms to be normalizable (which are not 2-point functions). Why don't we consider them in this diagram?