I'm not so technical and not very good with physics, but have some idea based on observation and I believe it is doable.
As everyone know also this subject was repeated many times in here, Sending stuff to space is very expensive. But what if there is an easy way to do that only if we would think out side the box.
So lets imagine (I do not want to go into many details where did I take it from)...
An object of mass 100 kg which is on track isn't affected by gravity. I mean, it does not fall or move, unless it's touched. The only problem is air drag. So, how much energy and what would be the length of the track required to attain escape velocity? The track would be flat with a slide up at (what would be the angle of it?) the end so that the object would reach safe orbit where it would not fall back? I believe object would have to be heat resistant. Is that right? What type of engine (cheapest way) would be applied to accelerate such object? I believe people would not be able to travel inside as G force would be to big? Please describe it in simpler language, as English is not my native.