In a follow-up to this question,
What would it be like to watch an average space rock / ice comet at 1-20 Pluto distances from a supernova of $10^{44}$ joules?
At what proximity would they become vapor/lava/above $100^\circ C$? How fast would they deflect into space? Would it be like smashing them with a cosmic hammer with a sudden force? Would the force rise over minutes and hours like a rail gun?
$$ E'=\frac{\pi R^2}{4\pi r^2}E\approx 10^{-16}E. $$ Chiral Anomaly's formula linked above tells me that a melon sized boulder of 8kg at 1ly from the supernova will get $10^{26}$ joules of energy, and $10^{21}$ joules at 3ly.
There's also a lot of matter ejected nearly at c, At 10 pluto distances a melon sized rock would take about 1-3kg of that matter at 300AU it's $118kg^{m3}$ ( $6*10^{30}kg$ / $4*10^{22}km^2$ )..
What is mysterious is the thermal energy accrued by the rock, and gamma rays/neutrinos which traverse through it.
I'm wrongly imagining that supernovas throw spheres of millions of local comets outwards like a game of cosmic billiards, including ice comets with DNA life from nearby planets.