I am a beginner in general relativity. I read the relevant section 9.1.5 in Relativity make relatively easy by Andrew Steane. After that, I thought a problem in gravitational red shift and gravitational time dilation.
Suppose there are two observers A, B, at two heights above Earth and a light source at A emits a signal to B. Then there is blue shift at B. The frequencies relation at two heights is:
$$ \frac{f_B}{f_A}=\exp{(-\frac{(\Phi_B-\Phi_A)}{c^2})} $$
$f_B$ is the frequency measured by observer B and $f_A$ is the frequency measured at A. $\Phi_B,\ \Phi_A$ are the potential energy at B and A.
Now suppose there is another observer C far away from A and B, and there are two oscillators at A and B, with frequencies $f_A$ and $f_B$ which are measured by A and B.
I set at C such that someone at C observes the same frequencies from A and B. Then by the above relation:
$$ \begin{cases} \frac{f_A}{f'_A}=\exp{(-\frac{(\Phi_A-\Phi_C)}{c^2})}\\ \frac{f_B}{f'_B}=\exp{(-\frac{(\Phi_B-\Phi_C)}{c^2})} \end{cases} $$
$f'_A=f'_B$ by my setting. So I got a relation between $f_A$ and $f_B$.
$$ \frac{f_A}{f_B}=\exp{(-\frac{(\Phi_A-\Phi_B)}{c^2})} $$
Because $\Phi_A>\Phi_B$, $f_A<f_B.$ This does not satisfy with the statement of gravitational time dilation on the Wikipedia(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravitational_redshift), which is higher oscillation frequency at larger gravitational potential.
What did I do it in a wrong way? How can I get gravitational time dilation at the radiation source?