The most general plane wave solution to the homogenous wave equation is
$\vec{E_{0} } e^{i(\vec{K} \cdot \vec{r}-\omega t+ \phi_{E})}$
The same for the magnetic wave
This is a complex wave, using eulers formula this can be decomposed into an imaginary and real part
Technically the above equation is a valid solution to the inhomogenous wave equation, however physically we take the REAL part of this equation to find the REAL solutions to the homogenous wave equation
the homogenous wave equation is actually 3 vector equations each for each of the components of the E field
To check if this is a solution, we will use substitution
Substituting the above equation into the homogenous wave equation Will not be a function of R or T, thus we have proved that it IS solution.
This will obtain conditions on this equation, that make it satisfy the homogenous wave equation and we will obtain the dispersion relation that$ \frac{\omega}{|\vec{K}|} = C$
AKA, this is a valid solution provided omega and K satisfy the condition that the phase velocity is the speed of light
The reason we use complex notation is that it makes it easier to work with and obtain the dispersion relation. This is purely a mathematical convenience to find the REAL solutions. As we take the REAL PART. however something overlooked is that even the complex wave IS a perfectly valid solution