Let's take a flexible body like clay, and we apply force $F$, on it such that, some part of it deforms, under action of force.
When deformation is taking place, can we say that acceleration of centre of mass of system of clay body is at rest?
Technically, what I thought was that centre of mass should gain an acceleration, becaus, some particles of our body is moving, while some are at rest, so we can write:
$$a_{cm}=\frac{\sum_i m_ia_i}{\sum_i m_i}$$
where $m_i$ is mass of individual particles gaining acceleration while deformation takes place.
Writing and summing for other particles which don't participate in deformation is useless, since they $a_i=0$.
But answer in my book, is given as $a_cm=0$ since, body is at rest as whole, which confuses me even more. Help and tell any flaws in my understanding, if found any. Any help is massively appreciated.