In a CFT one can expand correlation functions in conformal blocks, for example the four-point function can be written (schematically) as:
$$\langle \mathcal{O}_1 (x_1) \mathcal{O}_2 (x_2) \mathcal{O}_3 (x_3) \mathcal{O}_4 (x_4) \rangle \sim \sum_k \lambda_{12k} \lambda_{34k}\, g_k(u,v)\,, \tag{1}$$
with $u,v$ the independent anharmonic cross-ratios and $\lambda_{ijk}$ the OPE coefficients of three-point functions $\langle \mathcal{O}_i \mathcal{O}_j \mathcal{O}_k \rangle$.
My question is simple: this expansion is a non-perturbative statement based on (conformal) symmetry only, so if the AdS/CFT claim is right it should also be valid for the dual theories. However so far I have never seen people deriving such an expansion from the gravity side. Have some people actually managed to do so? If not, why can we not extract this expansion from the symmetries of the gravity side?