Ok so i have come to a point where i know that $\Psi(r,t)$ which we denote only by $\Psi$ can be represented in a Hilbert space by a vector which we denote $\left|\Psi\right\rangle$. Does this mean $\left| \Psi(r,t) \right\rangle$?
I know that equation $\Psi = \psi e^{- iWt/\hbar}$ represents a link between a stationary Schrödinger equation and a time dependant Schrödinger equation (we denote $\Psi(r)$ as $\psi$). I want to know now if we denote $\psi$ in a Dirac notation as $\left|\Psi(r)\right\rangle$ or any differently?
How do we write a Schrödinger equation and a time independant Schrödinger equation using a Dirac notation?