Photons produced during inflation, e.g. by annihilation of antimatter and matter, and not somehow reabsorbed would presumably have been highly redshifted by the end of the inflationary epoch and even more so by now.
If they had been produced in sufficient abundance, could the gravity of their collective energy have been sufficient to bunch them and (given their individual extremely low energy) keep them moreorless "marching on the spot" within bunches and unable to radiate as a photon normally would.
(Note that photons can be trapped in suitable materials, so the idea of trapping them isn't absurd per se, even though managing it in a vacuum with only other photons to help maybe is?! )
An ultra-long wavelength would also explain why these photons are not absorbed by even supermassive black holes nor, if such turns out to be the case, collect in the interiors of planets and stars
Also, it would presumably explain why they do not interact with other forms of matter or photons, especially much shorter wavelength photons.
Furthermore, if long-wavelength photons "leak" over time from accumulations of them manifesting as dark matter, they would presumably proceed on their merry way as normal radiating photons and form an increasingly uniform background, as if the dark matter was slowly evaporating. So could that in turn manifest as apparently accelerating dark energy?