Halperin 1982 investigated the Landau level edge state spectrum by solving the harmonic oscillator on a half-infinite line $x \in (-\infty,s]$, where varying $s$ is equivalent to varying the momentum parallel to the edge:
$$[-\frac{d^2}{dx^2} + x^2] g_{\nu,s}(x) = E_\nu g_{\nu,s}(x)$$
where I've set all physical constants to 1, and the boundary conditions are
$$\lim_{x\to s} g_{\nu,s}= \lim_{x\to-\infty} g_{\nu,s} = 0.$$
He claims:
- When $s \to \infty$, $E_{\nu} \to \nu+\frac12$, which makes sense since this is the usual harmonic oscillator
- As $s\to -\infty$, $E_\nu$ passes through $2\nu+\frac32$ at $s=0$ and then grows as $s^2$.
This leads to the well-known energy levels for the quantum Hall edge states and shows they are chiral. But how does one derive the second claim? Also, is there a simple solution for $g_{\nu,s}$?