if we look at an elevator which is shot into the air - it is clear to me that e.g. two particles don't stay where they are (relative to one another) since the gravitational force points towards the earths center (and thus the two particles aren't accelerated parallel). They will close up and also move upwards (in the elevator).
I was wondering if it would be noticable for somebody in this elevator (without windows) if the elevator is still going upwards or has already changed direction (as an obeserver on earth would explain).
Clearly it must not be noticable, since the view of the elevator as an einstein inertial system doesn't consinder speeds at all (or it just makes no difference). I have tried to explain it better but I just can't do it. Can anyone state a more precise explanation for this?
So the main question is: As seen from inside the elevator: does it make a difference if the elevator is (relative to the ground) moving upwards or if it is already falling towards earth again - e.g. if you somehow can notice the velocity (relative to earth) of something inside the elevator or if this velocity cannot be noticed.