zkf gives you enough to answer this question but I would like to make a few extra points:
The absolute value operation in the potential makes this a nonlinear problem, which are generally pretty difficult to deal with. I got impatient waiting for Mathematica to come up with a closed form solution for $x(t)$, so there probably isn't one. This is the typical situation in physics and in this case you have to resort to a numerical calculation.
Since this is a one dimensional problem you can still solve it using the conservation of energy (you only need one conserved quantity to solve a single particle in 1D problem). If you write the conservation of energy for this system:
$$ \frac{1}{2} m \dot{x}^2 + k |x|^3 = E = \text{constant}, $$
you can rearrange this a bit into
$$ \mathrm{d}t = \frac{\mathrm{d}x}{\sqrt{\text{stuff involving x}}}. $$
Integrating up gives you the answer QMechanic posted just now. :)