I'm trying to understand what exactly is the ETH, and miserably failing. Here's what I'm reading everywhere: isolated systems are supposed to thermalize, hence "forget about their initial condition", but the infinite time average of an observable $O$ is
$$\langle O\rangle_\infty =\int_0^\infty dt \langle\psi| e^{iHt}Oe^{-iHt}|\psi\rangle=\sum_\alpha |c_\alpha|^2 \langle\alpha|O|\alpha\rangle $$
where $|\psi\rangle=\sum_\alpha c_\alpha |\alpha\rangle$ and the $|\alpha\rangle$ are the energy eigenstates. This is a problem, because it means that expectation values of observables depend on the initial conditions at all times. A solution to this is supposing that the energy eigenstates are thermal, the trouble is, in every paper on the subject people seem to avoid explaining exactly what they mean by thermal. Most people say something like
$$ \langle \alpha|O|\alpha\rangle=\langle O\rangle_{\mathrm{mc}}$$
where $\langle O\rangle_{\mathrm{mc}}$ is the microcanonical average. I have two main problems with this
as far as I know $\langle O\rangle_{\mathrm{mc}}$ is something like$$ \langle O\rangle_{\mathrm{mc}}=\lim_{\Delta E\to 0}\frac{1}{N(E,\Delta E)}\sum_{E_\beta\in(E_{\alpha}-\Delta E, E_{\alpha}+\Delta E)} O(E_\beta)$$ where $O(E_\beta)$ is the observable in the energy $E_\beta$, which surely is just $\langle \beta| O|\beta\rangle$. It seems then to me that $ \langle \alpha|O|\alpha\rangle=\langle O\rangle_{\mathrm{mc}}$ is a tautology, especially with discrete energy levels.
Even if that made sense, the microcanonical average still depends on the energy, so I don't see how we get rid of the initial condition dependence in the time average, which now is just $$ \sum_{\alpha}|c_\alpha|^2 \langle O\rangle_{\mathrm{mc}}(E_\alpha)$$
Other people say something I can understand a little better, they say that if $O$ is local on a region of the lattice $A$, then the average must look like a Gibbs ensemble thermal average.
$$ \langle \alpha|O_A|\alpha\rangle=\mathrm{Tr}\left(O_A e^{-\beta H_A}\right)$$
but this has the same problem as before, the time average still depends on the initial conditions. Moreover, I don't understand what is the difference between considering microcanonical averages and Gibbs averages.
TL;DR: what does "the energy eigenstates are thermal" mean?