I am looking for introductory references for the Black Hole Information Paradox and trying to compile a sequential list through which someone familiar with the basics of QFT and GR can go to understand the above-mentioned from ground-zero.
The requirements that must be satisfied are that the list should contain notes/papers + lectures and that they should build things from absolute basics to go up to the most recent advances in the field (maybe with some references for the quantum extremal islands program). Of course, there are a lot of papers, especially in the most recent advance regime, but I am only looking for the ones which are simple and easy to understand for self-study + they get one acquainted for research on their own into the field.
Some of the references that I have are in order -
0a. Warm-up 1: Sabine Hossenfelder's video - 10 things you should know about black holes
0b. Warm-up: Sabine Hossenfelder's video - How do black holes destroy information and why is that a problem?
0c. Warm-up: Sabine Hossenfelder's video - Solutions to the black hole information paradox
Now, the actual stuff:-
Introduction to Information Theory - Edward Witten @ PiTP 2018 - To get a feel for what information theory involves and what kind of different entropies there etc. ( I feel various other videos from PiTP 2018 can be useful here, inputs are very welcome).
arXiv:0803.2030 - Samir Mathur's introduction to the paradox
Tom Hartman @ HMI 2020
4a. A Tutorial on Entanglement Island Computations - Raghu Mahajan @ IAS
4b. A longer version of the same - Raghu Mahajan @ ICTS
Please suggest modifications and improvements on this. I am just getting started on this topic myself and don't really have any idea which might be a good resource.
Edit 1 :
I have gone through the first two lectures by Hartman at HMI but they are not a good match for me. Things are not clear to me as a beginner.