This is standard theory. Try
Birrell, N. D., & Davies, P. C. W. (1982). Quantum Fields in Curved Space. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Bog standard Curved space QFT text. Don't remember how much is said specifically about spinors though.
Brill, D., & Wheeler, J. (1957). Interaction of Neutrinos and Gravitational Fields. Reviews of Modern Physics, 29(3), 465–479. doi:10.1103/RevModPhys.29.465 <-- This paper was particularly clear from memory.
Yepez, J. (2011). Einstein’s vierbein field theory of curved space. General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology; History of Physics. Retrieved from Great discussion. Thanks twistor59.
Boulanger, N., Spindel, P., & Buisseret, F. (2006). Bound states of Dirac particles in gravitational fields. Physical Review D, 74(12). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.74.125014 Technical examples worked out in painful detail
Lasenby, A., Doran, C., & Gull, S. (1998). Gravity, gauge theories and geometric algebra. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 356(1737), 487–582. General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology; Astrophysics. doi:10.1098/rsta.1998.0178 Geometric algebra technique - a powerful and elegant modern formalism that I'm hardly an expert on. See Muphrid's answer for more details. :)
These are less specific to the question but still with material pertaining to it:
There are other references. I'll put them in as I think of them or others point them out (thanks guys!).
The reason you need the spin connection is because fundamentally you need the tetrad or orthonormal frame fields. These fields give a set of "laboratory frames" at every point in spacetime:
$$ e^\mu_a(x),\ \text{with}\ e^\mu_a(x) e_{\mu b}(x) = \eta_{ab}, $$
where $a$ labels the field $a=\hat{t},\hat{x},\cdots$ and $\mu$ is the spacetime vector index. The intuitive meaning of this is that $e^\mu_{\hat{t}}$ represents the 4-velocity of the lab, $e^\mu_{\hat{x}}$ is bolted down on the lab bench oriented along the $x$-axis etc. You can prove the relationship
$$ g_{\mu\nu}(x) = \eta_{ab} e^a_\mu(x) e^b_\nu(x). $$
For this reason the tetrad is commonly known as the "square root of the metric," which is not an entirely satisfactory notion. Anyway, you can see that the tetrad is not uniquely defined. Any tetrad related to another by $e'^a_\mu(x) = \Lambda^a_b(x) e^b_\mu(x)$ where $\Lambda^a_b(x)$ is a local Lorentz transformation is just as good. This corresponds to the freedom of different labs to rotate their axes and boost themselves independently.
This means the theory has a huge built in redundancy - local Lorentz invariance - which plays a similar role for spinors as coordinate tranformation invariance does in GR. The tetrads are necessary because spinor representations are defined in relation to the double cover of the Lorentz group SL(2,C), which cannot be represented in terms of tensors under the diffeomorphism group. You can however define spinors relative to a locally Minkowski frame:
$$ \psi(x) \rightarrow \left( 1 - \frac{i}{2} \omega_{ab}(x) \sigma^{ab} \right) \psi(x), $$
where $\omega_{ab}(x)$ is a local Lorentz transformation and $\sigma^{ab}\propto [\gamma^a,\gamma^b]$ are the generators of spinor transformations. The spinors basically live in an internal space. The next key idea is that you have to then be able to "solder" SL(2,C) representations in these frames together consistently to cover the spacetime. The consistency conditions you desire are that:
- $\bar{\psi} \psi$ is a scalar field
- The product rule and linearity work for covariant derivatives
- The tetrad postulate, i.e. compatibility of the spinor covariant derivative with the ordinary covariant derivative
These conditions form the relationship between the internal spin and the spacetime, and they give the formula for the spin connection:
$$ \omega_{\mu b}^{a}=e_{\lambda}^{a}\Gamma_{\mu\nu}^{\lambda}e_{b}^{\nu}-\left(\partial_{\mu}e_{\nu}^{a}\right)e_{b}^{\nu}. $$
In older literature you may see curved space gamma matrices defined by contraction with the tetrad:
$$ \gamma^\mu(x) = \gamma^a e^\mu_a(x). $$
This is fine but I find it less confusing to keep the tetrads explicit. Note that the $\gamma^a$ are constant numerical matrices, whereas $\gamma^\mu(x)$ are spacetime functions.
This, combined with the references and some googling should hopefully get you started. If you are still really stuck after trying to work some of this out (Try to do it for yourself! There are so many different conventions in the literature it's hard to trust copy'n'pasting different people's results!) then I have an example calculation from go to woe in my honours thesis.