It is well known, how to construct Einstein gravity as gauge theory of Poincare algebra. See for example General relativity as a gauge theory of the Poincaré algebra.
There are
- Construction of covariant derivative:
$$ \nabla_m = \partial_m -i e_m^{\;a}P_a -\frac{i}{2}\omega_m^{\;\;\;cd}M_{cd}.$$
Impose covariant constraint on geometry: $$ [\nabla_m, \nabla_n] = -i R_{mn}^{\;\;\;a}P_a -\frac{i}{2}R_{mn}^{\;\;\;ab}M_{ab} $$ $$ R_{mn}^{\;\;\;a} = 0. $$ From this equation, spin connection $ω^{\;\;\;cd}_m$ is expressed in terms of veilbein $e^{\;\;a}_m$.
Now, one can easily construct Einstein-Hilbert action: $$ S_{EH} = \int d^d x e \;R_{mn}^{\;\;\;ab} e_a^{\;m}e_b^{\;n} $$ $e_a^{\;m}$ is inverse veilbein $e_a^{\;m} e_m^{\;b}= \delta_a^b $. Metric tensor: $$ g_{mn} = e_m^{\;a}e_n^{\;b} \eta_{ab}. $$
But one can modify second step and obtain another actions, with additional dynamical spin connection:
$$ S_{EH} = \int d^d x e \;R_{mn}^{\;\;\;ab} e_a^{\;m}e_b^{\;n}. $$
$$ S_{YM} = \int d^d x e \left(\;R_{mn}^{\;\;\;ab} R_{kl}^{\;\;\;cd}g^{mk}g^{nl}\eta_{ad}\eta_{bc} + R_{mn}^{\;\;\;a} R_{kl}^{\;\;\;b}g^{mk}g^{nl}\eta_{ab}\right). $$
So I have few questions:
What will standard Einstein-Hilbert action describe in this case?
What is Yang-Mills theory for Poincare group? Which properties have such theory?
Why Einstein action is not Yang-Mills theory for Poincare group?