For the CCC, Roger Penrose considered the physical metric $\hat{g}_{ab}$ in a dying universe by thermal death, and the metric $\check{g}_{ab}$ of a nascent universe with a hot Big Bang. After some physical and mathematical considerations, he appreciated that a continous mathematical transition can be achieved between the end of the first universe and the beginning of the second universe, just considering some kind of conformal invariance (this depends on the dying universe ending up full of massless particles and that the Higgs mechanism is initially disconnected in the Big Bang of the nascent universe). Under these conditions, an abstact conforming metric can be defined as that:
$\hat{g}_{ab} = \hat{\Omega} g_{ab}$, and $\check{g}_{ab} = \check{\Omega} g_{ab}$
Where $\hat{\Omega}$ and $\check{\Omega}$ are conformal factors that multiply the abstract conformal metric $g_{ab}$ to give the physical metrics of the dying universe and the nascent universe. These tensors satisfy Einstein's field equations:
$\hat{R}_{ab} - {1\over 2}\hat{R} \hat{g}_{ab} + \Lambda \hat{g}_{ab} = {8 \pi \text{G} \over \text{c}^4} \hat{T}_{ab}$,
$\check{R}_{ab} - {1\over 2}\check{R} \check{g}_{ab} + \Lambda \check{g}_{ab} = {8 \pi \text{G} \over \text{c}^4} \check{T}_{ab}$
were $\hat{T}_{ab}$ and $\check{T}_{ab}$ are the material content of the ending universe and the beginning universe. In addition, we have that $\hat{T}_a^a = 0$ but $\check{T}_a^a = \mu \neq 0$ and for this reason:
$\hat{R} = 4\Lambda$, but $\check{R} = 4\Lambda + {8 \pi \text{G} \over \text{c}^4} \mu$
The key point is that the conforming factors are given in terms of a new $\omega_g$ "ghost field" that satisfies the equation:
$\left(\square+ \frac{R}{6}\right)\omega_g = \frac{2}{3}\Lambda \omega_g$
and $\hat{\Omega} = \omega_g$ and $\check{\Omega} = -\omega_g^{-1}$ (because $\hat{\Omega}\to\infty$ in the ending universe and $\check{\Omega}\to 0$ in the beginning universe). In this way, the Big Bang is interpreted as an effect the conformal metric transition associated with a drastic change of scale produced by the ghost field $\omega_g$.
The virtue of this proposal is that incorporates the Weyl Curvature Hypothesis and explains why our universe began with such an anomalously small entropy state.
Interestingly, the universes or "aeons" would succeed each other in an infinite succession of death and rebirth, in which almost no information from the previous aeon would pass to the next one (our universe initiated in the big bang 13750 million years ago would be only one of those aeons).