Considering the two-dimensional XY-model, how should I compute the Green function $G(\vec{r})=\left\langle\phi(0)\phi(r)\right\rangle$ -the scalar field $\phi$ denotes the orientation of the planar spins with respect to some reference axis- from the simple Poisson equation
$$-\beta J\nabla^{2}G(\vec{r})=\delta(\vec{r}),$$
having defined the rotational-symmetric "electric field" $\vec{E}(\vec{r})=\frac{\rho}{2\pi\mid{\vec{r}\mid^{2}}}\vec{r}$ analagously to electrodynamics, where $\nabla_{\vec{r}} G(\vec{r})=\vec{E}(\vec{r})$? I would like to obtain the desired logarithmic behaviour, which is then inserted in the exponential in order to obtain the correlation function and its algebraic decay, without having to deal with the nasty Bessel function integral used in each reference I found by now.