"3.157. Two metal balls of the same radius $a$ are located in a homogeneous poorly conducting medium with resistivity $\rho$. Find the resistance of the medium between the balls provided that the separation between them is much greater than the radius of the ball."
My solution:
I instill charges $+q$ and $-q$ on both the spheres so that I can measure a potential difference,
after that I write
$ J= \frac{E}{\rho}$
$ I = \int J * dA$
and, $ V= (\int J * dA) * R$ and solve for 'R'
Now my question is when integrating over area why is it wrong to take a disc between the spheres? I am taking a circular disc in middle of both spheres to integrate current density over.
However,in the actual solution, they have taken to integrate over the surface of the whole sphere.. why is that? Because like all the current which passes thru one sphere shouldn't always hit the other sphere (I'm thinking of current as beams flowing from the sphere)
Please comment if the question needs more clarification.