
I am recently trying to study the calculation on one-loop diagrams in QED. Since the most resources i found where rather cryptic since they where very very general i wanted to ask whether or not there are good papers or textbooks about that topic (especially for beginners)?

My Background: I am a student in the 6th semester in physics. I do know how to calculate tree level feynman diagrams but i have only little understanding of QFT in general (Quantised Klein-Gordon-Field and classical field theory).


1 Answer 1


When I was doing my first course in QFT during my undergraduate, I referred to "A first Book of Quantum Field Theory by Amitabha Lahiri and Palash B. Pal". This is written in very simple language and you can find almost all the important topics in this textbook. If you want to read through much detailed version of QFT, I would recommend Advanced Quantum Mechanics by Franz Schwabl or Introduction to Quantum Field Theory by Michael E. Peskin. The latter one is quite heavy and I would not recommend this if you are not comfortable with the mathematics of QFT.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I disagree about Peskin. It is a perfectly accessible book, providing the student has a solid mathematical grasp of the prerequisites, it does not require any prior knowledge of QFT. $\endgroup$
    – JamalS
    Commented Apr 27, 2020 at 11:04

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