Let $S$ be a system described by the density operator $\rho_S$. Consider the operator
$$\mathcal{L_t}\left[ \rho_S \right] = \gamma (t) \left[ \sigma_z \rho_S \sigma_z - \rho_S\right] $$
where $\sigma_z$ is the $z$ Pauli matrix and $\gamma(t)$ a time dependent coefficient.
Now consider an additional system A. The overall system $S + A$ is in a maximally entangled state
$$\rho_{SA} = |\Psi \rangle \langle \Psi |.$$
In this case, the density matrix of $S$ is obtained by tracing out the ancillary system $A$ $$\rho_S = Tr_A \left[ \rho_{SA} \right]$$
How to explicit the action of the operator
$$\mathcal{L}_t \otimes Id_A $$
where $Id_A$ is the identity of tha ancillary system $A$, on the maximally entangled state $\rho_{SA}$?
In particular, prove that if $\gamma (t) < 0$ then
$$lim_{\epsilon \rightarrow 0} \frac {|| \left[ Id_{SA} + \left[ \mathcal{L}_t \otimes Id_A \right]\epsilon \right] |\Psi \rangle \langle \Psi |||_1 -1}{\epsilon} = -2 \gamma (t)$$
where $|| X ||_1 = Tr\left[\sqrt{ X X^{\dagger} } \right]$ is the trace norm.