I am wondering how you would compute the Wigner Function of a Thermal State with average phonon number $\bar{n}_{\mathrm{th}}$. I know the result should be a Gaussian with variance in position $\langle x^2\rangle = (2 \bar{n}_\mathrm{th}+1) x_\mathrm{zp}^2$ and in momentum $ \langle p^2\rangle = (2 \bar{n}_\mathrm{th}+1) \hbar/(4x_\mathrm{zp}^2)$.
But how do I show that?
I write the thermal density matrix in the Fock basis: \begin{equation} \rho_\mathrm{th} = \sum_n \frac{\bar{n}_\mathrm{th}^n}{(1+\bar{n}_\mathrm{th})^{n+1}}|n\rangle \langle n | \end{equation} and use the Wigner Tranform: \begin{equation} W_\mathrm{th}(x,p) = \int du \langle x- u/2 | \rho_\mathrm{th} | x + u/2 \rangle e^{\mathrm{i} p u/\hbar} \end{equation}
After inserting the density matrix into the Wigner transform I get: \begin{equation} W_\mathrm{th}(x,p) = \sum_n \frac{\bar{n}_\mathrm{th}^n}{(1+\bar{n}_\mathrm{th})^{n+1}} \int du \langle x- u/2 |n\rangle \langle n | x + u/2 \rangle e^{\mathrm{i} p u/\hbar} = \sum_n \frac{\bar{n}_\mathrm{th}^n}{(1+\bar{n}_\mathrm{th})^{n+1}} W_n(x,p), \end{equation} where $W_n(x,p)$ is the Wigner functions of the n-Fock state given by:
\begin{equation} W_n(x,p) = \frac{2}{\hbar \pi}(-1)^n e^{-2 \frac{H}{\hbar \omega} } L_n(4 \frac{H}{\hbar \omega} ), \end{equation} with $H= \frac{1}{2} m \omega^2 x^2 + \frac{p^2}{2 m}$, and $L_n$ the nth Laguerre poloynomial.
Everything correct until here?
Now I am too stupid to do the last sum. Was looking for identities and what not half of this day.
Any ideas? I would also appreciate a simpler solution. Thanks for any Help!