My question is about the calculation of a functional integral (which looks like a partition function).
If we have the operator $A$ having discrete spectrum, and eigenvectors $\phi_{i}$ and eigenvalues $\lambda_i$, and the eigenvalues have density $\rho(\lambda)=\sum_i \delta(\lambda_i-\lambda)$. Then the functional integral $\int D\phi \exp\{-(\phi,A\phi)\}$ is written as integral over the "fourier" coefficients $a_i = (\phi_i,\phi)$, where we use $\phi = \sum_{i} a_i \phi_i$:
$\int D\phi \exp\{-(\phi,A\phi)\} = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\prod_i da_i \exp\{-\lambda a_i^2\}$
This is product of gaussian integrals, so if we put "UV" cutoff on eigenvalue, $\Lambda$, then I think the result of this integral is the product of the inverse square root of eigenvalues:
$ \int^{\Lambda}\prod_i da_i \exp\{-\lambda a_i^2\}= \prod_i^{\Lambda}\lambda_i^{-1/2}$
However, my TA wrote without deriving that the correct result is this:
$N(\Lambda) \ e^{-1/2 \sum_\lambda^{\Lambda}\ln \lambda}$
where $N(\Lambda) = \int \rho(\lambda) \ d\lambda$ is the number of eigenvalues below $\Lambda$.
I don't understand this result, especially this appearance of this counting number $N(\Lambda)$. Why does the functional integral not give the product of eigenvalues, and where is this $N(\Lambda)$ coming from? Is this related to the density of states that is sometimes written in a partition function? I would appreciate any help in understanding this, and any pointer to books that explain as well.