I don't seem to understand the logic in adiabatic process of how 'if work is done on the system very quickly e.g. compress a piston containing n number of gas particles, there is no time for energy to transfer to the surrounding'. However, temperature of the gas in the system will change in the process, this implies that if work is done very quickly, then all the energy from work done will have time to transfer to the kinetic energy gained by the gas; but there won't be enough time for heat to transfer to the surrounding.
In the example I proposed, heat transfer to the gas particles to increase their KE will occur by conduction through energy conducting throughout the gas particles (please correct me if I'm wrong). Thus if work is done very quickly, why is there time for work done on gas to transfer heat to the gas particles, but no time for heat to transfer to the surrounding by transferring heat through the piston walls (assuming the walls are not insulated for this adiabatic process)?