Imagine a rc circuit with a capacitor with movable plates that have changeable area connected to a cell of voltage $V$
what if i pushed the plates towards each other till they touched? will this part of the circuit act like a connecting wire? will this 'capacitor' have infinite capcitance (using $C = \varepsilon\frac{A}{d}$)? or if after this made the area of the plates zero(somehow) can i use $C = \varepsilon\frac{A}{d}$ now?
what if I decreased the area of the plates first (the plates are at a fixed distance).wont it act like a broken circuit? zero capacitance?
initial dist=$d$; initial area=$A$. Imagine a scenario where one of the plates is moving towards the other with a speed $v$ the area is also decreasing at the rate $\frac{A}{d}v$. what will the effective capacitance at $t=\frac{d}{v}$ be?