In tensor notation. A state vector $|uv\rangle$ is a tensor product(non entangled states) if and only if there is $A\in E_1(u)$ and $B\in E_2(v)$ such that $A\otimes B$.
So by postulate of quantum mechanics, the state vector after the measurement(one part measurement by a projector) is $P_u(i)=(|u_i\rangle\langle u_i|\otimes \mathbf{1})/n$ where $n$ is a normalization factor.
Therefor the state after measure $|u'v'\rangle_{after}=P_u(i)|uv\rangle=|u_i\rangle\otimes |v\rangle\cdot \lambda$ where $|u'v'\rangle_{after}$ could be written as the tensor product of $|u_i\rangle=A$ and $B=|v'\rangle=|v\rangle\cdot \lambda$. Thus $|u'v'\rangle_{after}$ became a tensor product, thus a non entangled states.
However,(a false statement) consider $P_u(U)=(\mathbf{1}\otimes\mathbf{1})$(taking "measure" to all of basis vector $|u_i\rangle\in E_1(u)$). It's obvious that $P_u(U)|uv\rangle=|uv\rangle$.
Thus after the "measure", $|uv\rangle$ is still an entangled states.
By analogy, suppose $z$ is a states encountered a massive degeneracy, possibly infinite, then $P_u(z)|uv\rangle=$ some vectors. However, there is no reason to be sure that the vector after the measurement is a tensor product, or say a non entangled states, i.e. there is no definite requirement for the existence of $A$ and $B$ such that $A\otimes B=|u'v'\rangle$ when there is degeneracy.
My questions are:
Does entanglement must be destroyed after the projection operator?(with degeneracy, of course.)
Does all the entangled states have to be destroyed after the measurement?
If not, prove the condition for which entanglement can be preserved. Further, prove the condition for which entanglement must be destroyed.(Under projection operator, and in general cases.)