I was calculating potential energy due to point charge at origin using relationship
$$U=\dfrac{1}{2}\epsilon_{0}\displaystyle\int \mathbf {\vec E.\vec E\ } \ d\tau$$
and it comes out to be infinity because $\mathbf {\vec E.\vec E\ }=|\vec E|^2 $ falls off as $\propto$ $\dfrac{1}{r^4}$ and volume $d\tau$ grows as $4\pi r^2 dr$ resulting in overall fall off as $\propto$ $\dfrac{dr}{r^2}$ and which in turn lead to blowing up of integral at $r=0$ and U approaching $\infty$
it is written in my textbook as it is that:
"it takes infinite energy to pack a point charge(like electrons, protons) into zero volume."
i want to know physical justification of this result
(not mathematical derivation like above )